STIE YKPN YOGYAKARTA in collaboration with IAI (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia) presents an International Seminar with the theme “Digital Technologies And Digital Leadership”
There will be two Speakers:
1. Muhammad Imran Qureshi, Ph.D
- Founder Director of Connecting ASIA
- Faculty of Technology Management and Technopreneurship Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
2. Bruno Lot Tanko, Ph.D
- Head of School oh Bulit Environment University of Reading UK (Malaysia Campus)
- Associate Fellow Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)
And also the Moderator:
Dr. Wing Wahyu Winarno
Information System Specialist
STIE YKPN Business School Yogyakarta
Let’s Register Yourself Immediately!
FREE ð E-certificate & 3 SKP awaits you!
For more information:
Isnanda +62 896 0425 7404